Wednesday, June 23, 2010

What I'm Loving...

What I'm loving right now are these adorable outdoor cottages...

apartment theorpy

dwell - Lisa Romerein

dwell - Thomas J. Story

dwell - Norm Plate

southern living

dwell - William P. Wright

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

It comes in waves...

With the good comes the bad and then the good again.  So after our wonderful news in the last post things have been not so fabulous.  After the tree fell on the porch, our computer and Mr. car both bit the dust.  Thus we have been crazy busy getting back on track and with work.  Last night we finally got our new computer, which is awesome!  The car is still on hold since Mr. has been working for 2 weeks straight, luckily my parents are fortunate enough to have an extra vehicle they have been so kind to loan us in the meantime.  We've filed our homeowners insurance claim and the porch will be fixed soon.  In GREAT news in 3 days we are headed to my family reunion (at the 4H Center where mosquitoes are the size of small birds and where I was attacked by a rooster at a young age), then a party for my grandparents 60th wedding anniversary, and then finally the BEACH for a week!  I can not wait!  We got a great house in the NC Outer Banks with all of my extended family and it is going to be SO much fun!  I love the beach!!!

"At the beach, life is different. Time doesn't move hour to hour but mood to moment. We live by the currents, plan by the tides and follow the sun."


Thursday, June 3, 2010

We Are Back...

I apologize once again for the hiatus we have had a busy last week and a half. 

  • Both Mr. and I received promotions at work with 24 hours of each other. 

  • We have been to New Orleans and back to visit friends, food and wine festival, & a bachelorette party.

  • Rain Storm = Tree Branch on Roof

  • Family Cookout

  • Braves Game

Whew it has been a pretty wonderful past week and a half! 

Prepare for photo overload....

from the plane to the best cheese shop ever

Then to the river for crawfish, shrimp, sausage and corn!  I learned how to shell crawfish.

Everyone and eating and then these me....if you didn't already know I'm not a seafood eater.

the food and wine crew...

the wine...
Thursday Night was the Royal Street Stroll.  Galleries on Royal St. open the doors for tastings.

Random shots...
Jackson Square

Happy Hour with 50 Cent Oysters

Grand Tasting in the Super Dome

I will leave you with a sleeping street performer, a beautiful Nola front yard and chandeliers from the Marriott