Sunday, October 28, 2012

Where has the time gone?

It's a Sunday morning and it finally feels like fall!

I'm going to start blogging again because I miss it.  I had stopped because life got a little busy and it seemed like a burden to get online and blog for no reason but then I realized I miss it, regardless of the fact no one else really cares or reads.

So what have we been up to??  
We celebrated our 4th Wedding Anniversary this month!

He truly is the man of my dreams and best friend, I'm a very lucky lady.

We didn't do anything too wild and crazy.  We ventured to Brasstown Valley Spa and Resort.  The Mr. loves a spa!  It was beautiful.  This was our view for our dinner and morning coffee.
  1. Photo: Morning coffee view

    Other than that it's been a pretty lazy October and I can't complain.
    We did enjoy a beautiful Saturday off and made an ambitious decision to take Hendrix to the pumpkin patch for family pictures.  Hendrix behaved really well but the family picture didn't turn out so well.