Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Pretty Things

It's a rainy hump day in the ATL.  Here are a few pretty spring time things to brighten your day.

a pretty spring/summer tablescape

a pretty summer would be perfect for a reheasal dinner.

a fun spring drive

Can you tell I'm dreaming of spring weather?

Monday, March 28, 2011


After picking up some socks for the Mr. this weekend I walked in a smelly antique mall to browse around.  I found a refreshing spray of lavender for $12!  I've never been a big fan of purple, but love the smell of lavender and realize a little bit of purple accents can be beautiful!

And my new lavender...

Sunday, March 27, 2011

March Madness

It's official March Madness has taken over all aspects of our world.  Today is the first day in the last 10 where I feel like I can finally breath and have absolutely NO plans.  Plenty to do but no plans.  The  yard plans are pretty much complete, guestroom is looking good, and now it's time to start shopping on a  few goodies for the our bedroom.  My beloved Seminoles had a terrible game Friday, but I'm happy to say my bracket still looks alive as long as UNC and Kansas win today.  I hope the last four days of the month will bring some calm as I have lots to share.  Promise to be back this week.  

Friday, March 18, 2011

Weekend Recap and Forecast in One

I’m back to grind this week. It was a wonderful weekend in sunny St. Pete. The wedding was beautiful; they are too of the loveliest people. I was a dancing machine! Wish I had more photos to share.  St. Pete has a wonderful market on Saturdays, they had music, organic foods, and crafts.

 the cutest little bungalow
and a rice cake popper!
But now it’s back to business. The Mr. and I have completed a walk through the front yard and have some tentative plans. Still working on compromising on plant types. Stay tuned for final plan next week.  It looks like it's going to be a beautiful weekend and I hope to get started tomorrow!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Something Pretty

Happy hump day.  Wanted to share some random pretty finds to get you this a cloudy Wednesday.

{images from apartment theorpy and}

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


It was a pretty perfect weekend.  Girls night Friday.  Saturday with my man.  And a Sunday decorating with my mama.  The icing on the cake is a 4 day work week followed by a wedding weekend in St. Pete and day light savings.  Life doesn't get much better than that! 

Saturday the Mr. and I went to Serenbe for the day.  Serenbe is the an adorable little community with a sustainability lifestyle.  We at a wonderful brunch at The Hil, I had a sandwich with pimento cheese, bacon, and fried farm egg all organic ingrediants.  It was absolutly amazing!  The we did some shopping at some super cute little shops.  Here are a few pictures...The Bilt-House wonderful gifts and gift ideas.

I wish I had more photos of the houses to share apparently I get too busy looking around and forget to take pictures.  It such a precious community and everyone waves to each other...I love that!  I would definitely suggest for a summer trip.  In the summer they have a Saturday market, horse back riding, and lots of hiking trails.

Last but not least we FINALLY finished painting and filling the guestroom bookshelves.  Here's a sneak peek I plan to do a full post on the state of the guestroom later this week.



Friday, March 4, 2011

This Week's News

First things First!
It was a Big Birthday lots of people we love were born this week….

Monday was my baby sister’s 24th

Wednesday was my sister in law’s 24th

Yesterday is my daddy’s

Next Monday is my aunt’s

We love you all very much and are so blessed to have you in our lives!

We have a big weekend planned. One of my good friends is visiting. And the Mr. is off tomorrow. Hopefully it won’t rain all weekend.

My weekend goal is to do a little bit of yard work Saturday morning and decorate the bookshelf in the guestroom Sunday.  Here’s a sneak peek..I apologize for the terrible photo quality, last minute decision to share this morning.

Happy Friday and Happy Weekend Everyone!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Something Pretty

I wish I had my coffee in this rocker this morning.  Photo credit unknown - I'm sorry I have no idea where I found this. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2011 Foward

I can not believe it is March already and I can feel spring is in the air!!!  It's scary how fast this year is going by.  I am a person of lists and unfortunately I'm a bit behind on my check list so far due to some unforeseen occuances 2011 has brought us and put us a bit behing.  That being said I have full confidence that March will bring good cheer and adventures.  This month my list looks like this....
  1. Guestroom is painted now I need to decorate the built in bookshelves and hang art.
  2. This weekend with help from the Mr. we plan to start planting new grass in the front and back yard.
  3. March 12th weekend we are headed to St. Pete for a very dear friends wedding weekend and fun in the sun...sooo excited!
  4. By March 14th I will have a landscape plan ready and will hopefully begin and complete stage one by the end of the month.
I think that is about all I can handle at this time.  I'm both energize and exhausted just thinking about it.