Happy Belated 4th of July!

We have had some bad luck in our bungalow the past couple of days.
#1 - 5 gallons of pale ale the Mr. had brewed leaked all through our bedroom.
#2 - our kitchen facet handle broke off and needed to be replaced. This has been a challenge to say the least. We went without water all day on the 4th. And it's still leaking. However I do love our new facet just waiting on it to work correctly.
old one:
new one:
#3 - we had guests at our place before fireworks and bought beer. The case we bought had a malfunctioned cap and decided to leak on our ivory rug.
So at least we can say we've had our 3 so hopefully our luck has turned around just in time for our vacay!
I did get a lot of time to decorate for the 4th while the Mr. was working on sink :)
Our new end table from Ballard...love it! Need to work on styling it but here it is for now.
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