It was a great year. A lot of memories wonderful memories!
We said goodbye to the most amazing and graceful lady, my Grandmother. She always wanted to be called Grandmother but of course I had name her Grand-ma.
We had our first experience at the DeKalb Farmers Market.
After almost 2 years we finally got a microwave.
March was a big month looking back.
We traveled to St. Pete for a dear friends wedding.
We finished painting the guestroom and visited Serenbe for a little day trip…such a cute place.
Our iris bloomed and it was finally getting warmer down south. We put together the little garden wall in the front yard (my plan this weekend is to get rid of those bushes and plant some camillas).
It was the beginning of my best friends wedding festivities with a little pig roast shower.
And there was the royal wedding!
My Grandaddy had his first visit to our bungalow and met his great grandog.
We had a girls trip to Abingdon, VA to spread the ashes of my Grandma’s first cousin.
My daddy built us a little flower box for our herbs on the back porch and Hendrix had a little photo shoot.

We had finally had a little down time.
My little brother graduated from High School and we took him zip lining.
We had a little birthday celebrating for this guy….
And enjoyed a little cruising.
Got a new buffet for the dinning room.
We celebrated 3 years of marriage, it gets better everyday.
We took on NYC!
I won’t bore you with all the pics again but you can check them out here.
Took my Grandaddy to Tally for his first ever FSU game day!
Did a little work in the laundry room – paint, new ceiling, and new light fixture
Cooked my first ever Thanksgiving Turkey.
YAY…we finally got our sofa. Pics will come next week we get the other 2 chairs. We were on my mama’s church tour of homes and celebrated a WONDERFUL Christmas!
I didn’t think we got that much done this year but looking back I’m pretty proud. We were very blessed in 2011 and I can’t wait to see what 2012 has in store!
Thanks to everyone who might read our blog we appreciate you interest in our little life inside our tiny bungalow.
Cheers to 2012!