Today it’s iced coffee thoughts! And in my daydreaming I’m drinking it here…
It’s been an interesting few weeks but not really a lot to share. I’ve been too lazy to upload any photos I promise to get back on the ball this weekend. So what’s new with in our bungalow you ask….
We have our new mailbox we got for Christmas up and it's working perfect! I have to say I love it more than I had anticipated.
I’ve was out of town last week for my cousin’s high school graduation! Super fun!

best pic I could snag from facebook
best pic I could take in the very bright sun with a phone....
Plus I also got to spend one day at the beach with my little bro.
Hendrix has a new sleeping routine…I wake up and he has his head on the pillow I toss off the bed every night. I wish I had a picture but he wakes up startled before I can get snap a shot.
The Mr. and I have a premeditated and totally planned date night! It is a first in a long wild and I crazy excited not to have that usual evening conversation of ‘what do you want to do?’ and then ‘I don’t know what do you want to do?’ back and forth. It’s a great feeling we need to do this more often!
I have a few projects to finished up and start this weekend. I will be a weekend filled with cleaning, catching up, and house work....wooohooo! Have a great weekend!