Friday, September 13, 2013

Friday Five

I'm joining the Friday link up with some lovely ladies!

Happy Friday!

I am still in awe over the most beautiful shower my friends threw our baby girl this weekend.  It was just perfect, girly, and fabulous.  Photos to come promise.

I have rediscovered a love for morning sweets.  I have be in a long phase of bacon and eggs.  In embarrassingly frequent trips to Waffle House I have been ordering a weekly waffle. 
A will admit they are pretty awesome!

It’s spa time…we are headed away for the weekend to one of my most favorite places…Grove Park Spa!! 
 We have a weekend of apple picking, visiting with the in laws, and the spa.  So excited for what is most likely our last little weekend away before baby girl arrives.

Jcrew maternity wear….I’m going to break down today and place my order for the Jcrew Minnie Pant.

Fall is in the air!  While I am personally clinging to the last moments of summer, I am super excited that football has returned, it’s not weird to have soup at lunch, and pumpkin flavored everything is this amazing looking Pumpkin Dream Cake with Cinnamon Maple Cream Cheese Frosting.

Pumpkin Dream Cake with Cinnamon Maple Cream Cheese Frosting #cmfoodies

1 comment:

  1. looking at that cake is making me HUNGRY!!

    Found you on the link up :)!

    XOXO Bunnie
