May proved to be a difficult month.
Full of surprises and challenges.
The month started with an impromptu trip for Parker
to Virginia to visit her Great-Grandfather with Mimi
He was in the hospital recovering from a possible stroke.
I know Parker helped heal him.
The Mr. and I had a great get-a-way in Puerto Rico.

The Mr. started a new job/career at Whole Foods.
So excited for him and this new opportunity.
It's nice that he's getting back into a routine.
The Mr. somehow got a severe cornea scratch
After 1 urgent care visit
a couple hundred $$ of co-pays
5 visits to the eye doctor
and another couple hundred $$ of medication
Happy to report he's mostly healed.
Memorial Day
Now has a new meaning for us.
My veteran granddaddy said goodbye
After 25 years of Parkinson's he is now with his bride and our heavenly father.
It was truly an honor to be his granddaughter.
He was more accomplished and brave than I could ever imagine.
I can only hope I can be half the person he was.
I would like to share a very brief glimpse of his life.
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