noun; a strong, innate desire to rove or travel about.
Traveling is one of our favorite things.
I wish we had more time and money to travel more often.
One of my resolutions is to be more proactive in planning and take advantage of the little free time we do have.
In random order
Here's my 2016 wanderlust guide:
Big Sur / San Fran / Napa

I'm thrilled to say this one is already in the works!
This Journey Junkie's travel guide has been super helpful.
Babysitter is scheduled, thanks Mimi and Papa.
Family Vacation
We are trying to decided when and where our family of 3 will get a way this year.
I'm excited to plan a trip for just our little threesome.
We have so many ideas with a 2.5 year old we are torn between a new adventure or an old favorite.
ie: beach vs grand canyon
Anniversary Trip
Right now I'm thinking Chicago.
Nothing too crazy, easy weekend get-a-way
Summer Family Reunion
This year, we are spending a few days on my cousins lake home in NC.
Super excited for some relaxing family time on the lake.
Realistically that wraps up our major travel plans apart from some trips to visit family.
My siblings are trying to rope us into a Vegas trip, but that's just not really our thing.
I'd be going to see the shows, which may sell us. Stay tuned!
PS: What did we do before Pinterest? Seriously...it's been incredible helpful in travel planning lately.
PSS: First photo is from my new favorite daily read...Career Girl Daily, check it out.