Goodbye 2015

Well it's been awhile
but things have been changing in our little bubble.
I've been terrible about documenting our little world
and hoping to get back in the groove this year.
We had some extreme highs and lows in 2015.
First for the big news...
We are no longer residing in the bungalow.
Bittersweet to say the least.
I personally had the most difficult time.
P is loving her new space in "Parker's House".
The sale has been on our brain for more than a year
we had outgrown the bungalow long ago.
We finally broke down and put the sign out.
After that it was only a matter of days before everything was complete.
We were luck to have a fantastic opportunity to flip houses with a wonderful family.
This gave us not only a great deal but time to move with plenty of time to pack.
We are now as settled as we will be for awhile.
I'll share our adventure room by room as we work our way through the new home.
And I've made a promise to myself to be a been record keeper for our P.
I have lots in store for 2016 and looking forward lots of new and exciting changes!
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