Friday, July 29, 2011

Fun in the Sun

Yay for Summer! I found this great print on Sarah’s Fab Day from Esty

Today I’m headed to the shore to visit a friend. I can’t wait for some fun in the sun.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Just a Little Project

We are looking to make a few changes in our kitchen.  Nothing immediately, very early stages of the thought process as we have a few more projects ahead of this one but I'm just doing a little day dreaming today.  We don’t hate it and it has had some upgrades but they were not done well or complete.  So we are looking to get new cabinet doors, paint or get new hardware, and redo the back splash.

I like the smaller natural stone rectangle tiles.

 Love the basic cabinet detail and hard woods would be a dream but won’t happen in our current bungalow.

 I like the dark colored hardware.

I like the glass fronts with the little cabinets on top.  I'm just not convinced I can commit to glass fronts.

I love the glossy white subway but it doesn’t look quite right with our darker brown toned granite.  But I think I’m sold on the very basic cabinet front.  And these flowers and colorful seat cushions are gorgeous, great little pop of color! 

 I have definitely decided I would like open shelving above the sink.  Next house I will have a sink over the kitchen sink.

Beautiful light fixture and I really like the look of the shutter front cabinets with modern hardware but the not practical.  Can you image how dusty and greasy these would get, I’m all about low maintenance. 

All images from My Home Ideas sorry I don’t have all of the links.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Pretty pink/coral to brighten up a very grey Tuesday, I’m pretty sure coral is my new color obsession this summer.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Doggie Style

I wish our little Hman would utilize on of these amazing shelters! He won’t even sleep on a pillow, he likes to sleep underneath the fireplace on the concrete. He is one strange pup but he is ours.


Tuesday, July 19, 2011


I’ve been a fan since her Felicity days and I love her brownstone!  Check it out Kerri Russell's over Elle Décor.

The kitchen is my favorite.  The cabinets are made with wood from the home's original beams.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Overdue & Exciting News

Finally, have uploaded photos from my best friends wedding day!! Unfortunately I only took pics of the lingerie shower

the party people... 

the Georgia girls as my family calls them (they all went to UGA with the bride) 

and a few wedding pics I borrowed off of facebook...

the Mr. and me

my family in their coordinating colors

I am just over the moon excited for my little brother. He left Friday for Seattle, Washington to caddie for his friend playing the USGA US Jr Amateur Championship. Yesterday was his day off and he called me while explored the city. I’m so proud of him playing tourist. I don’t think too many 18 year old boys would take hour ferry rides with a map and wonder around alone seeing the sites. I can’t wait to see all his photos when he gets back. Good luck to Michael today in Round 1! If all goes well hopefully we will get to see him play on tv later this week!

Thursday, July 14, 2011


What is more excited then coming home from work to find a good old fashion hand written letter. I love getting them and need to do a better job of writing them. There are such great cards out there but sometimes my favorite part is an exciting return address and stamp! So I am finally breaking down and getting a cute new return address stamp. And found some fun stamps to go along with it!

all stamps found on Etsy
Jack and Susie Address Stamp via RubberStampPress

Custom Wood Handle Address Stamp Old Type - 1053 via Note Trunk

Item Name: Design A184 via 2impress

Self Inking Stamp - Katherine via RubberStampPress

Eco Mount Organic Round via Note Trunk

And a few fun stamps...

Monarch Butterfly – for those super cute square cards

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Moving Along

It's hard getting back in a routine after a few days at the beach...ughh. But we are managing and have a lot on our plates before the next vacay. 5 weeks and counting! What's happening with us you ask...well.

I'm staying busy trying to get Hendrix to lose some major weight. Good news is he doesn't have thyroid problems, he's just lazy. So we are walking at least 2 miles a day since he refuses to play catch.

I have become mildly obsessed with coupons and organization of household papers. Yesterday I spent $30 at Publix and saved $18.90 in coupons! I’m no extreme coupon-er (not sure if that is actually a word or not?) but I’m on my way. I'm also working on finishing the majority of Christmas shopping before October!

Working on planning our anniversary trip.

Still working on cleaning up the yard. It seems every time I get close to tidying it up we have another big storm that floods the yard the branches.

This weekend I spent a very lazy Sunday downloading a trial version of Photoshop Elements and experimenting. It is pretty incredible what you can do! I’ll have to share creations later this week.

Pinning has recently become a new hobby. Pinterest is just AMAZING!! A few of my favorites of the week…
Dress by Judith March via

Summer Porch via Wandersings of a Wannabe

Festival of Lanterns, Chiang Mai, Thailand via sunsurfer – I read an article on MSN about this a few weeks ago. It sounds like a beautiful event, perhaps one day we can attend.

Hope everyone has a great week, happy Tuesday!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Back to Reality

We are back to work after a glorious little vacay and my new summer motto is....

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

June becomes July

We are headed back home from a wonderful wedding weekend!  I love the water and definitely need to consider moving closer.  Now that we headed back to reality it’s time to start making my July list.  The June list went pretty well.

A couple of roll over items…
Still looking for bedroom lamps and contemplating painting the bedroom
Dig up some dying bushes on the side yard so we can plant some healthy new ones
Hang hammock…this has turned into quite a project. It turns out that the hammock is quite large and won’t work on the porch as planned so we are examining options B through H. Hopefully we can determine a plan and execute soon…I’m ready to relax.

And a couple of new fun items…
Download some type of Photoshop and start learning how to edit
Find some new kitchen rugs
Complete all shopping needs for our family cruise in August!!!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Independence Day

Hope you are all celebrating freedom with some sun, fun, and fireworks!

We are recovering from the most fabulous wedding last night (photos to come when we get home next week) and have a fun day at the beach ahead of us!!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Friday Find

This Friday you will find me at the beach!!  What better way to begin a weekend then heading to the beach for my best friend's wedding.

Sorry I have no idea where I found this pic...just love it.  I can wait to have the sand between my toes!!

Love is of all passions the strongest, for it attacks simultaneously the head, the heart and the senses.
Lao Tzu