Friday, April 29, 2011

The Royal Wedding

I admit I am mildly ob-sessed with the wedding of William & Kate.  And yes I did wake up at 4am this morning to start watching the coverage. I think they are such a wonderful couple and sincerely hope they have a long and happy life together!! Kate is absolutely stunning. Her dress was perfect, the tiara and hair/makeup were beautiful (she did them herself!), and the earrings (a gift from her parents) are to die for!! I want them now. Not to mention her sister’s dress. I am definitely hunting down a reproduction of Pippa's dress!

Seriously I don’t think there was one thing that I didn’t love. The maple trees were so perfect for the architecture of the church. I can’t wait to watch all of the coverage and see the official wedding photos over the weekend.

I love have even 'Google' join in on wedding day.

{images from: People and MSNBC}

Thursday, April 28, 2011

My Best Friend's Shower

WARNING: Graphic Pictures Below!
If you do not eat meat you may want to skip reading this post.

We had a Pig Roast!! It was so much fun, I just wish it had been a bit warmer. We decorated with bright colorful flowers in mason jars, lanterns, hanging lights, and lots of candles. The wedding is at the beach so it was a perfect tropical theme.

Here are a few photos. Unfortunately 95% are of the pig, I wish I had gotten more photos of the party people. Note to self: when hosting an event delegate a photographer.

The menu included…
of course Franklin (the pig)
fresh fruit
and baked brie (another family fav).
a delicious noodle salad
chips & dips
fresh fruit
grilled vegetable kabobs
key lime cake
red velvet cake (the brides favorite)

It was a great evening with friends and family and I can’t wait for the wedding in July!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Weekend Recap

Still recovering from my 3 day holiday weekend and it was wonderful! The Mr. and I helped host a couple’s shower for my very best friend Friday night and then I got to hang out with her again on Saturday! Sunday was a fun family day and very productive around the house. There will be a full post on the shower tomorrow but in the meantime I would like to share my wonderful Easter basket from my parents. Yes I am 27 years old and still get a basket!  Isn’t my mama the best!

On a side note I am so excited for the royal wedding, and yes I will be getting up before dawn to check out the wedding dress!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Growing outside the Box


Vertical Garden

Wine Crates

herbs in old tea tins

images: various pinterest boards and martha stewart

Monday, April 18, 2011


I’m beginning to think we might have green thumbs after all.  After several years of killing things we have our first round of perennials blooming!
Our potted iris’s that didn’t bloom last year are now beautiful!!
The hosta’s are bigger and better!!!
And the while the black eyed susan’s are not yet blooming they are alive!!!!

No I did not completely finish my weekend to do list, I did get a lot accomplished! This week we have a lot scheduled and I’m very very excited to see my bff this weekend for her couples shower! (yes it does deserved 2 very’s)

Cheers to a bright, shinny, and warm spring week!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Small Victories

This week nothing too exciting to report but I’m pleased to say we did have a few small victories in our home.

I worked out twice this week!! That’s a first since I don’t even know when…sad situation. But next week I’m going start doing yoga twice and run twice a week. I’ll keep you posted on my progress. The Mr. event has also a workout regiment planned!

We only ate out once! Trust me this is quite an improvement. Trying to start saving for numerous trips we have planned this summer.

We are almost done finalizing our summer vacays, I’m very excited.

I swept the pollen of the back porch 2 nights ago and I’m pleased to say that it has not come back [knock on wood]. I’m hoping that the pollen might possibly be gone for the year.

I feel like I’m caught up on work at work and my work ‘to do’ list. I’ve found time to clean out my DVR.

Sent out my wine club evite…it has been on my list for 2 weeks.

And I already have my ‘to do’ list for the weekend!

Hope everyone enjoys the weekend!

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Today is my Grandma's birthday.  I miss her more than I imagined I could have.  She was truly a wonderful person, remebering her gentale kindness inspires me daily I often replay the week of her passing in my mind.  It was a wonderful week of remembrance.  We are so lucky to have such wonderful extended family and friends.  Most of the drives to and from services we listed to Jason Castro (yes the guy with dreads from American Idol).

Monday, April 11, 2011

Weekend Recap

I love April!  It was such a beautiful weekend.  It is so nice to wear shorts again, even if my legs are embarrassingly white.  Other than the usual house cleaning, laundry, and a few errands I didn’t do too much this weekend and I’m ok with that.  We enjoyed the weather and grilled out yesterday for my mama’s birthday…another reason I love April.  I truly have the best mama a girl could ask for; I hope I can be like her one day.  The only flaw in my weekend was poor Rory Mcllroy from the homeland, I feel so bad for the mate.  He’s cute as a button and completely choked, I just wanted to cry for him.  This week I don’t have too much planned.  I hope the Mr. will finish up the front bed so we can pick out our plants…hint hint hint…I doubt he even reads this but it’s worth a shot.  And then I will be prepping for my best friend’s shower next Friday.  I’m hoping not to procrastinate and get it all done this week.  Wish me luck.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Yellow Dust

A thin yellow film is taking over Atlanta.  I could wash my car, sweep the front porch, and spray down the porch furniture 3 times a day and it still wouldn't be often enough.  I love my front porch chairs and swing but am seriously reconsidering the color choice.
 I’m hoping that after this week’s April Showers it is on its way out.  Knock on wood, but this is the first year I can remember that my allergies have not been acting up.  I have had the occasional headache but no running nose, itchy eyes, or sore throat!  I’m crediting it to my new habit of horse size pre natal vitamins (no I’m not pregnant) and local honey.  I’ve always heard that local honey is the best cure. 
This year I have done both that honey and vitamins so I’m not exactly sure which remedy wins.  I’m just hoping that this cure will work in the fall too. 

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Front Yard: Phase One

So we have started phase one of the front yard clean up.  The side yard had no landscaping what so ever.  We have build a stone wall to create a flower bed.  We hope for level it up with the neighbors yard and actually grow something!  The Mr. and I don't have the very green thumbs but are definitely improving wish us luck.


the first load of very heavy stones...

and after...

and then we realized the other size of the house needed a few stones...

We are almost done but the Mr. being an extreme perfectionist (which I love despite my sarcasm) needs to cut and wedge stones in the cracks.  Once complete we will fill the bed with soil and plant some new shade loving shrubs.  Perhaps by the end of April my body will heal.

Monday, April 4, 2011

A Productive Weekend

1 new rug
2 hanging ferns
2 new planters
4 trips to Home Depot
5 bags of mulch
11 lawn bags
60 top stones
99 stones
a total of 4,000 pounds of stone
and 3 very sore bodies!

That was the story of our weekend.  Pictures to come....

Thank you Mama for all of your help!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Happy April!

It's a 3 day weekend for me...wooohooo.  Hoping to get a few things done outside now that the sun is shinning.

After a restful weekend we will have lots of updates to share.