Holy Smokes….Thanksgiving is only 7 days away….where has the year gone!! I’m very happy to report that I got the majority of my to-do list done last night. And I now feel a little bit more prepared to tackle Holiday Season 2011!

Last night I finally posted a few items on Craigslist, which is a first for me hopefully it goes well. We finally sold one of the Mr.’s old culinary textbooks on Amazon, it’s being shipped today! Woohoo. I’m got my list ready to finish the laundry room this weekend. I think that we have figured out Holiday travel schedule to accomplish visiting all family this season! And I’ve started my list to accomplish Christmas, still need to map out my timeline so I’m done well before the Tour of Homes. Did I mention our little bungalow will be on the tour for my mother’s church Christmas Tour of Homes?!? So excited and little stressed at the same time.

To more pressing duties now I’m tasked with planning our Thanksgiving meal for 2 without having leftovers for weeks.
Seriously! Where has the time gone? Excited for the season though! :)